Become a DMQ Partner

Are you interested in becoming a Direct Mail Supplier for

Direct Mail Quotes provides a steady flow of leads from businesses that have projects ready to print and mail right now.

  • Request for Quotes delivered right to your email box.
  • You gain the full contact info of the prospect.
  • No more than 6 bidders (averaging 3 to 4 per job).

Find out more about the Direct Mail Quotes service by calling (661) 362-8236.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, or just wish to talk to someone about your Request For Quote, feel free to give us a call:

Mailers Haven
27819 Smyth Drive
Valencia, CA 91355

Have some questions? Give us a call on our DMQ hotline at: (661) 362-8236

Or send us your comments below:

"I truly am a very happy customer. I have kept track of the leads I have paid for and the sales. I am ahead of the game."

Dale -- Carol Ann Marketing, Bartlett, IL